Well, I started the sand and burgundy colours and this is what I came up with, thinking of the idea of small blocks of time when you stop to smell the roses.

This is the point at which I abandoned this piece - I just don't like the colours and besides the olive and purple materials were on the worktable and I just wanted to get on with them. Things I like about this piece: I figured out how much to adjust the tension in the bobbin for the gold passing thread, and I like the roses just not on this background. It goes into the experiment pile for recycling one day.

Here is a pic showing my first ideas with this group of colours.
In reading through comments on the March TIF Challenge, I realised that I could actually use all the colours together if I did something small like cross stitch - doh! I guess I was just having a rant about colours.

Here is a pic of the goodies I found on sale for just 50cents Euro a tube. I've been looking at beading websites and must try some of those techniques.
1 comment:
Thank you for your comment, I am very interested in your way of dealing with your reaction to the colour challenge.
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