I started by making each petal separately using Corded Brussels stitch and including the odd bead here and there. I'd taken photos and did some watercolour sketches first, to get a feel for the shapes and colours.
Then I attached them together using a simple cordonnette technique.
Here are some links to needlelace resources...
Doreens Needlelace-dot-com
A bit of history and technique
Or you can simply Google "needlelace" and work your way through as I am doing now... Enjoy!
before i got involved with creative embroidery, I was a bobbin lace maker and a few books about needlelace sit on my bookshelf ready for when I have time ( Time, whats that??) to have a play,Your flower has got me thinking again, it is simply lovely.
Thanks! I know just what you mean about time - it seems to go faster the older I get. I'm sure you'll really enjoy needlelace if you have a go. It's very free and you can do so much with it.
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