Here are pix of an experimental piece in progress and taken off the tubular frame I used as a loom. I thought I'd use the Colinette yarns to crochet or knit it onto the end of a scarf, but then decided it will be the spine of the turquoise folder I bought to house my 2008 Bead Journal Project (BJP) notes.
Yes, I've signed up for the 2008 Bead Journal Project!. As I have difficulty doing the same thing twice, it will be a real challenge to stay with the same size for the 12 months, so I spent a few days thinking through a size that I could work with, finally coming up with a rectangle based on the Fibonacci series 1,1,2,3,5,8. I cut off the 1,1 and ended up with a rectangle that measures 10 x 18 (2,3,5 x 2,3,5,8), and decided on centimetres instead of inches. This gives me enough room for detailed beading as well as embroidery.